Kevin McDonald

As a Thornlie local and City of Gosnells Councillor, I have for the most part lived in Thornlie since the mid-eighties. I returned to Thornlie in 1994 after serving four years as a police officer in South Hedland.
With my wife Catherine, we raised our three children here in Thornlie. The kids all attended Yale Primary School and Lumen Christie College and our boys both played football at the Thornlie footy club where I was coach, Auskick coordinator, a boundary and goal umpire. Our family were also members of Thornlie tennis club where our daughter played junior pennants.
My wife volunteered at Yale Primary running the uniform shop and was President of the P&C for 13 years. I volunteered at Lumen Christie where I served on the P&F, the school Board and for a time as the Treasurer.
My family connection to the local area goes back to the turn of the last century when my great-great grandparents, Bruno and Marie Klaebe settled on five acres in King Street Gosnells, where they established a farm and lived for decades. The family home (built circa 1920) still stands today on the corner of King and Crandon streets (at the roundabout).
As long serving police officer who served in Gosnells, I have a lot of knowledge and experience to give back to our community. For so long our community has been sold short with too few police to respond or investigate crime and hoon behaviour. Illicit drug consumption is through the roof, crime rates are spiralling, and police attrition is not being addressed by government.
Labor have failed to invest in critical infrastructure in our electorate because they believe they already have your vote. Its time we called them out. Labor have held the seat of Thornlie for 35 years and take your vote for granted. The deliberate exclusion of our electorate in the Vic Park to Armadale Metronet railway upgrade is to the government’s condemnation.
I live here, I know this area, I am one of you and I strive to be your local voice in parliament. That Labor have parachuted someone from outside our electorate to contest this seat is further evidence that they don’t care about us. I’m a local and I’m not going anywhere.
Please look out for me over the next couple of months and come and say g’day – chances are we have a lot in common.